Register new Qlocx device

Enter the day on which you wish the unit to be commissioned
Enter an approximate end date
Enter the street addresses the project orders to, e.g. the address of the gate and the site office
Check the postal code of the street address via
1. Go to 2. Search for the address and point out the location of the container. 3. Enter the three What3Words words
How do the drivers find the container?
First Name Last Name
Enter your suppliers here, such as Ahlsell, Hilti, etc. Ex: - Ahlsell customer number "123456" - Hilti customer number "Abcdef" Transport companies should NOT be listed here, such as Schenker, Postnord, etc. NOTE: The project is responsible for contacting the suppliers and specifying that they want the deliveries in the container. Qlocx is responsible for ensuring that their carrier, upon request from the supplier, can transport the goods to the container.
Also enter any alternative spellings of the company names that may occur
Enter the rental company and depot from which the delivery container is rented
Enter the name of the contact person at the rental company

 NOTE: Inform your suppliers that they need to demand from their carrier that your goods must be delivered to the delivery container.